We help developers unlock their full potential

Why we’re here

We are on a mission to improve developer velocity by making root cause analysis easier and faster all while helping developers being more productive.

But our purpose goes beyond that. We’re here to help teams grow and developers become masters in their craft.

How we got here

Think back to the last time you were in the zone - time flew by and code flowed from your brain to your fingers. That’s every developer’s happy place, that’s what we do best and that’s how we sharpen our craft.

The thing is, fixing errors keeps taking us away from writing codes. When a critical error appears, it can take 8+ hours and multiple developers to figure out and fix.

For too many teams, a feature release means having the whole team on call and staying up all night debugging. This led to burnouts, delayed delivery and frustrations.

We’re here to change that. Our product helps developers detect errors early, fix errors fast and increase their productivity.

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Who we are

We’re a team of developers passionate about building great products - we love to do it ourselves and we’d like to help developers deliver theirs efficiently too. That’s our driving motivation because we are founded and led by developers.

Being an engineers-first company means that we are our own customer and our experiences in the trenches guide us in how we build railtown.ai.

We believe that teams win when every single team member runs at their optimal capacity. That’s why we created a productivity tool that tracks performance at both team and individual levels.

By doing so, we hope that we can empower developers to do their best work and live their best life. This is our contribution to the developer community and we commit to do this with excellence.

Our guiding principles

These values drive how we interact and with our colleagues, customers, partners and community.

Positive and supportive
We approach problems and people with positive attitude. Always seek to offer help and give value.
We lift each other up by being candid in our interactions: sharing opinions, victories and even mistakes so that everyone can learn.
Problems are solved better collectively. We like to work with colleagues from other teams and partners beyond our company.
The world is changing fast. We consistently learn and keep up with our respective fields to stay innovative.
Have fun
We are serious without taking ourselves too seriously. We love what we do and we have fun doing it.
We’re committed to delivering a world-class product and we execute with passion. We strive to continuously improve our product, processes and ourselves.

Meet our leaders

These values drive how we interact and with our colleagues, customers, partners and community.

Marwan Haddad


Dr. Elliot Holtam

AI Data Scientist /Co-Founder

Cory Brandolini


We are transforming the way developers code

We’re looking for people who share our vision and values. Join us to help developers unlock their potential.

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Wondering how we pick the name railtown.ai?

It’s a homage to our birthplace in Downtown Vancouver. railtown.ai is a thriving industrial corner where startups work alongside creative professionals.