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AppInsightsThe Construct: Railtown AI’s Artificial General Intelligence and Large Action Model

Railtown AI channels true artificial general intelligence because it channels human-like creativity, problem-solving, learning, natural language comprehension, continuous learning, and reasoning.


Bernadette Catalan

March 26, 2024

5 Min


Root Cause8 Mission Critical Software Outages and How to Avoid Them

As we know, software runs everything from small, fun apps and games to critical infrastructure and global enterprise software tools.


Bernadette Catalan

March 5, 2024

5 Min


CI/CDRailtown AI’s The Conductor in action during Launch Builders Meetup

Railtown AI participated and presented a demo of The Conductor at Launch Academy’s Launch Builders Meetup. Tech enthusiasts, innovators, and entrepreneurs gathered in Microsoft Vancouver to witness tech companies in action and showcase the products they built.


Bernadette Catalan

February 15, 2024

5 Min


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Root CauseUnderstanding What AI CoPilot Is and The Many Benefits

Explore the world of AI CoPilots and learn how these advanced artificial intelligence-powered assistants can revolutionize various aspects of our lives, from navigation systems to software development environments


Marwan Haddad

April 7, 2023

5 Min


Root CauseHow AI Can Detect Software Bugs and Root Cause Analysis

Software bugs can be a significant source of frustration for developers and users alike. These errors in code can lead to crashes, data loss, and other issues that can negatively impact the user experience. Identifying and resolving software bugs is crucial for ensuring the quality and reliability of software applications. Artificial intelligence (AI) advances have made it possible to detect and diagnose software bugs more quickly and accurately than ever before


Marwan Haddad

March 29, 2023

5 Min


AppInsightsHow AI Can Help Your Company Save Time on Creating Release Notes

With our Release Notes solution, you can save time for your team by generating all of your release notes automatically. What’s more, our product will give you the freedom of choosing the final format for all of your release notes, be it a summary, a short list, or a full page.


Marwan Haddad

February 6, 2023

3 Min


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