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AppInsightsThe Construct: Railtown AI’s Artificial General Intelligence and Large Action Model

Railtown AI channels true artificial general intelligence because it channels human-like creativity, problem-solving, learning, natural language comprehension, continuous learning, and reasoning.


Bernadette Catalan

March 26, 2024

5 Min


Root Cause8 Mission Critical Software Outages and How to Avoid Them

As we know, software runs everything from small, fun apps and games to critical infrastructure and global enterprise software tools.


Bernadette Catalan

March 5, 2024

5 Min


CI/CDRailtown AI’s The Conductor in action during Launch Builders Meetup

Railtown AI participated and presented a demo of The Conductor at Launch Academy’s Launch Builders Meetup. Tech enthusiasts, innovators, and entrepreneurs gathered in Microsoft Vancouver to witness tech companies in action and showcase the products they built.


Bernadette Catalan

February 15, 2024

5 Min


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Error BucketNode.js Monitoring: Performance Monitoring Best Practices

Plenty of developers who start coding in Node.js do so because of how easy it is to get started. But once you are ready to take your application to the next level, you need to take a step back. Why did you choose to build in Node.js, and where do you want to take your application from here? To scale your Node.js application, you need to figure out just how to use performance monitoring to your advantage.


Marwan Haddad

November 21, 2022

5 Min


Azure DevopsAzure DevOps Integration With Railtown.ai Ticketing System

Are you sick of switching between tools when trying to keep track of customer support tickets? With Railtown.ai, you can integrate your Azure DevOps records together with your customer support tickets.


Marwan Haddad

October 7, 2022

5 min


Error Bucket3 Common Causes of JavaScript Errors and How To Avoid Them

Most of the articles discussing common causes of JavaScript errors online are surprisingly outdated. Why does this matter? Since 2011, JavaScript has changed a lot. Maintaining an accurate understanding of common issues with the language is important for developers of all skill levels. After all, JavaScript is notoriously prone to errors and looking through developer forums confirms that reputation as Stack Overflow returns 2,346 separate questions tagged as “JavaScript” and “Error-Handling”.


Marwan Haddad

September 22, 2022

5 Min


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